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Blog #8

Chapter 21 and 22 in the McGraw Hill handbook had a lot of helpful information, especially with the annotated bibliography being due soon. I’ve never been any good at citing works so it was really good to have a reference to look at while working on my bibliography. Who knew there were so many ways to cite things? On top of that, who knew there were so many different variations of things to cite?! Of course I knew there were different formats like print sources and online sources and such, but I wasn’t aware there were so many variations of sources included in them. For example, the handbook covered 37 different types of online sources. I thought most of it was all the same! One really helpful source that was covered for me was emails. My interview was completed through emails, but I didn’t realize there was a specific way I was supposed to be citing it. Without this handbook, I would have done pretty much all of my citations wrong so I think this was really beneficial for us to read this week. I also think it's really important to use different types of citations. You don't want all the information you found to only be in quotes or only be summarized otherwise it would be very repetitive and mundane. Works are better when there are multiple ways of referencing new information included, so it was nice that the handbook also showed you how to cite the same things in different ways.

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