Blog #7
Chapter 7 was full of lots of useful tips and ideas to make sure we properly integrate the information we get from our sources into our work. It also included a section about documenting sources that was most helpful to me. I’ve always struggled with documenting my sources and I never really understood why there were different styles to documenting them. Choosing a documentation style requires considering who you are writing for and what genre of work you are composing. Both of these guidelines affect which style should be used when documenting. This chapter specifically went over the MLA and APA style. While, of course, there are the specific differences between the two, the main difference is the topic that the work is on. MLA is commonly used in English and humanities, while APA is mainly used in behavioral and social sciences. It’s helpful to know this because while I’ve mainly used MLA format thus far, my career is going to use mainly APA format. Now I have a resource to help me cite my sources properly in the future.